Succulent Bouquets


Celebrate life’s special moments with timeless beauty. Our succulent bouquets are the ultimate way to celebrate life’s precious moments. Featuring a harmonious blend of hardy succulents and elegant sola wood flowers, these bouquets offer a beautiful reminder of your special day. With proper care, the succulents can be repotted and continue to flourish, becoming a living memory that grows along with your cherished experiences.

Bouquets start at $30. Contact us for bigger bouquets or if you would like to customize with specific plants.

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Celebrate life’s special moments with timeless beauty. Our succulent bouquets are the ultimate way to celebrate life’s precious moments. Featuring a harmonious blend of hardy succulents and elegant sola wood flowers, these bouquets offer a beautiful reminder of your special day. With proper care, the succulents can be repotted and continue to flourish, becoming a living memory that grows along with your cherished experiences.

Bouquets start at $30. Contact us for bigger bouquets or if you would like to customize with specific plants.

Celebrate life’s special moments with timeless beauty. Our succulent bouquets are the ultimate way to celebrate life’s precious moments. Featuring a harmonious blend of hardy succulents and elegant sola wood flowers, these bouquets offer a beautiful reminder of your special day. With proper care, the succulents can be repotted and continue to flourish, becoming a living memory that grows along with your cherished experiences.

Bouquets start at $30. Contact us for bigger bouquets or if you would like to customize with specific plants.