Drought Tolerant
Fire Resistant
Modern Gardening
Why use succulents in your garden/landscaping project?
Transform your landscape with vibrant, low-maintenance succulents that save water and enhance safety.
Dry gardening emphasizes minimal water usage while still achieving lush and visually appealing artwork.
Wildfire is an increasing concern in California. Succulents can serve as a vital fire-retardant barrier as they retain water in their leaves, roots, and stems. Having a fire break line can make the difference in wildfire-prone areas.
Book a 30 minutes consultation with us for $45 (fee can be applied to plants purchased after consultation). We provide expert consultation from personalized plant recommendations to complete design and execution for your garden/landscaping project.
Please bring the following to your consultation:
Pictures of Your Area: Clear images of the space where you plan to place your succulents.
Measurements: Dimensions of the area to help us understand the scale and layout.
Sun Exposure: Information on how much sunlight the area receives throughout the day.
Desired Outcome: Your vision or goals for the space, including any specific design preferences or plant types you’re interested in.